I must confess... I have a lot of training aids.
However, they do help!
I discuss through my my pro.
So far what I have bought has helped.. albeit slowly.
I like to see numbers... that keeps me motivated!
The DST CR-10 8 Iron ... any experience with this?
I have the DST Compressor club (8 iron) with the bend in the shaft... it has been most helpful.
The DST CR-10 8 Iron, the transition club to encourage incorporating the changes back to usual irons, any experience with it out there?
Question regarding Hackmotion...
I have the Core version. It is pretty good. I am a high handicapper and it helps me to understand what my wrist angles should be at the top of my backswing and at impact.
Any experience out there with the Pro version at my level?
Is it suitable for a high...
I am starting golf, aged 46... I have played for now 1 year and get lessons on a monthly basis. I practice 5 days a week.
My strike remains poor... I really struggle to get into the impact position.
My swing speed is also very slow... I have not played much sport before. I probably could swing...