Recent content by Jacko

  1. J

    Picking my pro?!? How many pro's have you used and what do you value in one?

    I've had two. The first attempted to give me a swing that was correct for plane and so forth. Sadly, he left me with so many things to concentrate on. This meant we covered the same things every lesson. He left and I moved to my present pro. we now start every lesson with 'what's not working...
  2. J

    Par 3 Courses

    Ampfield near Southampton in Hampshire is an excellent 18 hole par 3 that has held various pro comps. Not sure if I understand your final round comment but you could play Chilworth Golf Club, a normal golf course as your final around ten to fifteen minutes away and very friendly to societies...
  3. J

    Putting...gauging distance ?

    For distance, I walk from the ball to the flag... each step roughly 2 and a half feet... to get a distance. Get a line, ball towards the front foot, line up & one inch of swing to the foot (allow a bit for uphill or less for down). Equal length backswing & follow through with my eye over the...
  4. J

    Titleist DT Solo

    Having switched recently to the DT Solo from lake/found balls, the difference is immense. Using them for no more than two or three rounds before switching to a newer one has seen a difference in ball striking (not hitting much longer, but certainly straighter), and putting (better roll...
  5. J

    When will it end?

    Have played whenever we are open, (Chilworth) mainly the back 9 as it drains quite well. Having played up here for the last 5 years, there's usually the odd few days where the course is closed, but this has been pretty constant since christmas. A couple of temporary greens, for the first time...
  6. J

    Support your Pro in Febriuary

    I suspect it's more about supporting the club as much as anything. It's been noticeable at our club, during this run of poor weather which has left the course waterlogged in places. The front nine has hardly been open since christmas and the back is open as often as possible but only once...
  7. J

    Golf course measurement

    I have an Garmin S1, bought recently, and what a revelation it has been. Prior to owning this, I used the card measurements, course markers and so on to calculate shot distance. The biggest error I have found involves teeing position. Currently teeing from mats the holes are anything up to 40...
  8. J

    Monthly Poll 1: on average, how far do you hit the ball with driver?

    Having just bought a Garmin S1, I've had to re-evaluate how far I think I'm hitting... My 200 to 250, calculated with reference to the 150 markers and the hole length as reported on the scorecard has been brought down to 190/200, mainly due to peg position. Quite an eye opener...
  9. J

    Gol balls in winter

    Re: Golf balls in winter I've always used a mixture of lake balls & found balls, and found in the recent cold snap that they felt like concrete. Not being the longest driver in the world, average 200, 210 with roll, I had a look for a better feeling ball and bought a box of Titlelist DT Solo...