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    • H
      Hxck replied to the thread Casting.
      This isn't an issue I've ever had, however a lag/compression drill which is essentially what you need here. Grab an alignment stick off...
    • H
      Hxck replied to the thread 5 wood easier to hit than 3 wood?.
      So I was recently in this boat. Always got on well with my driver and 3 hybrid, never got on well with my 3wood. As a result, it spent...
    • H
      Hxck replied to the thread Golf Clubs Around Ascot.
      Appreciate that! I'm heading to a prospective course today, depending on how it goes I'll send you a message (y)
    • H
      Hxck reacted to HomerJSimpson's post in the thread Golf Clubs Around Ascot with Like Like.
      Rumour is Mill Ride will be sold off as the government have legal ownership as the owners were arrested. I'm at Royal Ascot and would be...
    • H
      Hxck replied to the thread Golf Clubs Around Ascot.
      Yes, I've spoken to their various secretaries. Seems a lot of nicer courses support inclusivity of golf, but not at their own club :ROFLMAO:
    • H
      Hxck reacted to SteveW86's post in the thread Golf Clubs Around Ascot with Like Like.
      Homer is a member at Royal Ascot, I’m sure he would show you round there if it is of interest to you. I’ve not played there myself, but...
    • H
      Hxck reacted to 4LEX's post in the thread Golf Clubs Around Ascot with Like Like.
      I don't think Bearwood Lakes have a long waiting list and it's around £5k to join which is good value.
    • H
      Hxck replied to the thread Golf Clubs Around Ascot.
      It was in lovely condition when I played there, not quite on the level of some of the nicer ones I've played on the heathland belt but...
    • H
      Hxck posted the thread Golf Clubs Around Ascot in The Lounge.
      Hi All, I'm in the process of moving to Ascot at the moment, and am struggling to find a nice course there that doesn't require...
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