Recent content by Hunka Turf

  1. H

    The Slot!

    Nick if you lined up 100 teaching pros you'd probably get 100 different definitions of 'the slot'. Can I ask why this is an issue you feel so strongly about?
  2. H

    The Slot!

    I agree. Is there potentially a middle ground between the OP and crossfield? I.e. Don't seek to attain 'the slot', just sort your numbers out on a launch monitor and the slot will take care of itself?!
  3. H

    justin rose swinging like a hacker

    Bargain indeed, sounds like a winner.
  4. H

    justin rose swinging like a hacker

    SLDR is a very low spinning driver, so it's important you use more loft to get the right launch. Your driver is higher spinning so you don't necessarily need the extra loft.
  5. H

    justin rose swinging like a hacker

    I saw this the other day. Makes 95mph look ridiculously slow. He got 236 carry by the way, not 260!
  6. H


    I've had the V2 and V3. V2 was going through batteries very quickly (a complaint I've heard from quite a few people), so Bushnell replaced it with a V3. As as said above, the V3 vibrates when you've hit the flag which is quite useful. Overall I've been much happier with the V3 and would...
  7. H

    Moving the ball both ways?

    When I took up golf I could only slice. Now after lessons/lots of golf I can only draw/hook. To the OP, lots of top pros only hit it one way. By all means mess around with trying to hit a fade at the range, but it is not a necessary skill to lower your scores.
  8. H

    for those who questioned

    I like the look of this drill. My swing gets too long and I definitely rely on timing too much so I think this could help.
  9. H

    Win a dozen Titleist Golf Balls!

    Mickleson Kaymer Cabrera
  10. H

    What next?

    I think as a trial I'm going to try regular chipping/pitching/putting practice this summer. I tend to spend more time on the course than the range/practice ground so I'll change my approach and see what results it brings. Don't think I'll ever have the drive of the very low guys I see at the...
  11. H

    What next?

    I definitely don't make enough birdies! The question is how do I make more! :thup:
  12. H

    What next?

    Appreciate the input. I need to have a think about whether or not I want to put the time in to improve. I'm enjoying my golf but just having too many rounds where I feel as though I've let a lot of shots go. But I guess if I want to get much lower it's going to take time and effort!
  13. H

    What next?

    I've heard lots about this! I'll look into it
  14. H

    What next?

    Im not sure on average GIR but thinking about the last few rounds I would say 9 would be a good day, 5 a bad day. So probably about 7 on average.
  15. H

    What next?

    Thanks mcbroon. I'm sure I could hole a few more putts but I'm generally ok. I don't feel like I throw shots away on the green. I know it's not the best stat but I tend to have 32 putts or less a round (although admittedly I don't have many sub 30 putt rounds).