Golfloveruk's latest activity

  • G
    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    I don’t disagree that clubs should, in part because run by people who are experienced in the game. However, you don’t need to be a good...
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Both clubs are traditional members clubs
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Ban Texas Scrambles?.
    So they are fun but not fun??
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    I’ve read some absolute cobblers on this thread, but this might just be the pick of the bunch 🤣🤣
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    Golfloveruk reacted to IanMac's post in the thread Official WHS Survey with Haha Haha.
    Decent single figure golfers stick at the game and are largely responsible for keeping clubs going for decades, in some cases centuries...
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    Golfloveruk reacted to rulefan's post in the thread Official WHS Survey with Like Like.
    Perhaps because the ones who used to win are no longer winning.
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Please show me where I have said I am right? I think you are confusing me with your WHS is bad crowd. I have said my experience doesn’t...
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Come on. Scrambles are a bit of fun. You can’t really be using them as a serious example of the failure of WHS? You expect to win a...
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Again, it’s another post repeating what has been said before. Someone doesn’t like WHS, preferring the old system and thinks the...
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Define rubbish! Where does rubbish end and good start? How do you account for improving players? What if the rubbish player had spent...
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Again. This is nonsense and just the opinion of a very vocal minority. If you’ve worked on your game and still need to rely on a...
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Never did they were. You don’t need to put in general play cards to manipulate a handicap.
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    Golfloveruk reacted to IanM's post in the thread Official WHS Survey with Like Like.
    I've only played club golf since the 90s. I remember folk moaning about handicap protection, increases being too slow, bandits...
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Club cup winners vs hcp.
    Old cat 1 👍🏻
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    Golfloveruk replied to the thread Official WHS Survey.
    Fixed that for you. It was ever thus!