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    • E
      Earlsdon45 replied to the thread Pacemaker golf..
      Thanks, Backache, yes there are. I’ve posted on several of them and am awaiting a positive response. 🤞
    • E
      Earlsdon45 replied to the thread Pacemaker golf..
      Thanks for your response: cardiologist appointment next week, I was trying to prepare myself for this date, based on the lived...
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      Earlsdon45 replied to the thread Pacemaker golf..
      Many thanks for your response, Oddsocks……I’ll certainly give it a go …I’m sure that I could slice it just as well left-handed. 😉
    • E
      Earlsdon45 posted the thread Pacemaker golf. in The Lounge.
      I’m a right handed golfer who, 7 weeks ago, had a pacemaker fitted to the left hand side of my chest. Unfortunately, I picked up a...
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