Recent content by Doon frae Troon

  1. D

    How Much Would You Pay?

    It is what happens from the downswing hip to the follow through hip that matters. The hip to hip actions of Ben Hogan and Doug Saunders are identical other than Saunders has a wider stance. One is generally regarded as the greatest swing in golf, the other, the ugliest swing to nearly win an Open
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    Don't choose the gardens unless you like to spend endless hours weeding. ;) I had a friend who retired and decided to do a few gardens. Within a few months he had two vans and employed 3 staff., kept it going for a few years then sold it on. Nice little earner for him but he worked crazy hours...
  3. D

    Scottish Fitba'

    It was a cracker, There has been some seriously good goals in the SPFL and Cup this year Teenagers Lennon Miller [Motherwell] and James Wilson [Hearts] named in Scottish squad.
  4. D

    Rugby Thread

    Its no wonder England are winning with thousands of folk in the team against Italy
  5. D

    Busted. A Cheat Caught

    In the 1990's we had a guy that did this. New handicap 22, after checking old club handicap 10. He won Captains day by about 10 shots. and received his prize in stoney silence Under Rule 19 [I loved that rule] we cut him to 5. Never saw him again. :LOL:
  6. D

    Chute versus booking system

    It would mean only be 22.5 golfers queuing on each of the tees then.:love:;)
  7. D

    Favourite paintings

    We collect A Y Nutt watercolours Victorian painter of mainly Windsor landscapes. He founded Windsor Art Club and taught a couple of Queen Victoria's children. A family connection started our interest but they have also become quite a good investment.
  8. D

    Chute versus booking system

    That does not stop Mr Bean lifting it out and throwing it in the bushes. ;)
  9. D

    Rugby Thread

    Scotland nearly snatching defeat from victory again. Jeez it is tough being a Scotland supporter. Nice to see Wales playing open rugby again, it's been a while.
  10. D

    Chute versus booking system

    I once had 45 golfers in a queue to play one of my 9 hole courses using that system. We worked out the golfers would have spent the same time queuing as playing. I changed it to booking and had a load of complaints to start with but then it settled down nicely
  11. D

    Dalmuir to close

    Sad, but no surprise. It would be cost effective for the council to pay the existing members subs at another local members club. Crazy situation.
  12. D

    Scottish Fitba'

    Another great Scottish game as Hearts beat Dundee 3-1 in the cup. Wide open game with both sides missing many chances to score. Hearts team including three young academy players who are starting to look very impressive.
  13. D

    Laughter - the best medicine

    Modern day Parenting Dad can I have an ice cream No Awe please dad No Please dad I'll pick up the dog poo No ..and I'll wash Mum's car Oh all right then but finish your Mars Bar first.
  14. D

    Scottish Fitba'

    Swansea after the Hibs manager, seemingly.
  15. D

    Random Irritations

    I think they are a bit like Black Lace.