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      TheDiablo replied to the thread Ban Texas Scrambles?.
      We had our drawn 2 man scramble today. Brekkie down the club and live draw. 2 groups, low and high. Cut off was 10.x for ‘low’ Great...
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      TheDiablo replied to the thread Reduced Membership Deals.
      No. We even told Lando Norris he had to join the back of the queue 😂
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      TheDiablo replied to the thread Reduced Membership Deals.
      Yes, member owned, full membership and long waiting list. An above average, but not elite club in Surrey. That’s just the going rate...
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      TheDiablo replied to the thread Reduced Membership Deals.
      I joined mine 7 years ago at 29. £1k fees and £600 joining vs £1600 and £2k for 36+ Subs stepped up by about 100 a year until 36. Now...
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      TheDiablo replied to the thread Sunningdale 2025.
      Poor excuse Deano! I got the chance to play Wentworth this year. Wife’s birthday. Told her I had to be in London for work and would be...
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