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      rksquire reacted to Orikoru's post in the thread Laser or GPS? with Like Like.
      I've always used Hole19 on my phone. Accuracy is perfectly fine for my level, gives me yardages to all hazards, lay-up distances, front...
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      rksquire replied to the thread Driver alternative.
      Driver is my most detrimental club, to limit the damage in competitions I started taking other clubs but after a bit of time it was...
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      rksquire reacted to IanMcC's post in the thread Royal County Down with Like Like.
      I don't think I would pay £425 to play anywhere. I believe the most I've paid was 350 dollars at Banff, but that included club and buggy...
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      rksquire replied to the thread Professional Golf 2024.
      I've given up trying to make sense of it - in the end money will win. Assuming McIlroy & Scheffler have got DPWT & PGAT 'leave' to play...
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